Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Having got back from quite a bit of travelling here are the next 3 letters in the A-Z of Writing Success.

Discipline. To write and keep going requires discipline. So many writers have given up on good ideas when they run into problems or enthusiasm wanes. But to realise your potential and see results, you do need to remain disciplined and persevere.

Editing. As a writer you are aiming to sell your work and the better you edit the more favourably it will be viewed. In addition to checking spelling and grammar, look for superfluous words, clichés and sentences which may need tidying up. By editing well, you will be increasing your chances of acceptance.

Facts. In your writing, take care with the facts you use. Readers can be very quick to spot mistakes and if you make one, it will lessen the quality and authenticity of your work. When possible use more than one source and if you have any queries, check. Thanks to the internet it is possible to get information as well as contact experts far more easily.


For those who are interested in my special writing report, Achieve More Acceptances and be Published More Often, a new edition will be made available on Lulu fairly soon. However if you would like a discounted copy, do please email me.


anderson said...

Hi, I really enjoy your blog and its very helpful. I want to know about the planning process. How do I do an outline? Thanks in advice

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind comments and glad you like the blog.

In preparing an outline, a lot depends on whether you are writing fiction or non fiction. Either way, take your time, writing a few words and thoughts for each chapter. This will give you a structure to build on.

For non fiction, making a mind map can be a good way to collect thoughts and look at possibilties.

I hope these initial thoughts will be helpful but do please get in touch if I can be of further help.
