Sunday, January 27, 2008

Writing Output

I have been asked how many words I write a day?

The answer is probably about 2000 although sometimes, when I have a lot of editing to do, it is much less. I try to have 2 main writing sessions - first thing in the morning and this is when I write on Chinese horoscopes - the second is the afternoon when I write or revise articles.

Although it is always interesting to know how much writers write each day, I feel the main thing is not so much the number of words but that you do actually write something. Even if you are only able to write 50 or 100, at least over time your words will mount up.

As a writer, do aim to write something everyday - it will help your output and your craft.

Good luck - and do please email me with any questions.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Writing Advice

In response to the first question I have had, 'What advice would you give a beginner writer?'

In one word - persistence. You have to persist and by persisting, by trying and by venturing, you not only improve your writing and style but also find what works best for you, including the right genre.

Also, do be prepared for rejections. These are inevitable but again, by pitching your work and ideas, you may get valuable feedback, find out more what editors are looking for as well as continually improving your work. And if you follow The Golden Opportunity, as described in Achieve More Acceptances, you could find this opens up some good ways into print.

Good luck, and I look forward to receiving and answering more writing questions in my next posting.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Writing Questions Answered

A Happy New Year and I wish you well and every success with your writing in 2008.

For this month I have decided to change the nature of this blog a little and instead of writing small pieces, will be answering any writing questions you may have. So, if you would welcome some advice or an opinion, do please email. Your question will be given on the blog (but not your name) together with my reply.

Also, I have decided to keep the current offer on Achieve More Acceptances open for January. All purchasers will be entitled to have a piece of writing of upto 1500 words apprasied and with helpful marketing suggestions given if appropriate.

I very much look forward to hearing from you and your writing questions.