Saturday, November 15, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Yourself. Writing is a challenge and often a lonely one. To keep yourself motivated, set targets and reward yourself when you meet them. Also pay attention to yourself, including allowing time to think and for letting ideas form as well as to your general lifestyle. To be and to write at your best, you do need to pay attention to yourself.

Finally the letter Z could stand for zest or zeal, both of which are important, but instead let it stand for zig-zag. In writing there are days when the words and ideas flow well but there are others which are difficult and a struggle. As writers we zig-zag about, from successes to days of rejection and failure. But whether we zig or zag the main thing is we keep going and so give ourselves and our writing more chance.
Good luck.

I hope you will have found my A - Z of Writing Success helpful, inspiring and that it leads on to some acceptances.
The main thing is, keep writing, keep perservering.

I am hoping my ebook Achieve More Acceptances and Be Published More Often will be available in the next 6 weeks from Lulu. If you would like a discounted version of the current edition, please email

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Vocabulary. Words are the tools of the writer and you must choose and use them well. And although it can sometimes be tempting to use more grandiose words, simple words which everyone can understand can be far more effective. In speech sometimes just using 'said' is better than interrupting the flow with an alternative, such as exaggerated or expostulated. And be economical with adjectives. The vocabulary you use must be clear rather than complicate.

W is for writing and to write articles, stories or books, you do need to write. Too often it can be easy to delay the writing process by carrying out even more research or doing other things but there has to be a time when this stops and you actually get to write, particularly if you are to realise your potential.

EXtra. Do not forget the extra touches. Your article may be done but have you considered adding a resource box, writing a short piece about yourself, any illustrations you could include or ways which you could make your submission more appealing? In a book sometimes just the inclusion of an opening quotation or preface can add something extra to your work. As in so much, by doing that little bit more, the extras could reward you well.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Success. To make sure your writing stands the best chance of success, always follow recommended submission guidelines and address your work to a named individual. And even though you will get rejected, by repeatedly trying, you will all the time be improving your skills and increasing your chances.

Title. Never under-estimate the importance of a title. As Raymond Chandler wrote, 'A good title is the title of a successful book.' If titling an article, think of the benefits the reader would gain or an intriguing way to capture their attention. And similarly with fiction, arouse curiosity. Your title needs to appeal and draw the editor and reader in and is worth taking time to get right.

Understanding. When you write, make sure you understand the message or theme you want to convey. By having this clear in your mind and understanding the purpose behind your work, your writing will be far more powerful.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Presentation. It is often said ‘looks count’ and in order to impress editors you need to present your work well. Use good quality stationery and make sure your print-outs are crisp and clean. By showing you take care, editors are more likely to give your work greater consideration.

Quotations can be very useful for writers, whether in starting articles, to illustrate points or show other people's thinking on a certain subject. To help with your writing, obtaining a good quotation book could be well worth while.

Reader. When you write, always have the reader in mind. If writing for a particular age group, visualise a reader of that age reading your work. This will help you to use the right style, vocabulary and approach. Or if writing a factual piece, think of what the reader needs to know and how they can best gain and use the information you want to put across. By considering the reader, your writing will often be stronger and more appropriate.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Market. In order to sell your work you need to keep informed of markets and current publishing trends. Study magazines you are interested in writing for and become familiar with their style and content. Also look at what is being promoted in bookshops and that is favoured by certain publishers. By being aware of market trends and requirements, you will be better able to style and pitch your work.

Notebook. A notebook for recording ideas, sources and thoughts is essential and wherever you go you should always aim to have a notebook with you. Ideas can strike at the unlikeliest of times and, if not jotted down, can quickly be forgotten. Also when inspiration flags, your notebook could give you some useful ideas to work on.

Originality. In order to make your writing stand out, you need to consider how you can make your work special. What new angle or perspective can you bring to a subject that makes it different from others? Be original. Look for twists and fresh approaches and this way your work will stand more chance of being noticed.

Friday, June 06, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Joining. To help with your writing, joining a writers’ circle or group can be of great help. Here you can get feedback on your work as well as advice and opinions from others. Writing can be a lonely occupation and by meeting others your writing can not only benefit but you will have the chance to meet others who share your interests.

Know-how. In order to write effectively you will need to discover what works. And the best way to obtain this and the writing know-how is to read other writers in the subjects and genres you are interested in.

Learning. As a writer it is important to be aware and learn about what is going on. Whether it is learning about new publications or reading and widening your general knowledge, by being prepared to develop, your writing and skills will benefit.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Genre. Choose your genre well. Write in the areas you know about rather than be tempted by markets which you may think offer big returns but which you are not really comfortable with. If you enjoy what you write this will show through in your work.

Humour. When appropriate try and inject some humour or light relief into what you write. This could be an anecdote, a quote or curious fact but its inclusion can help to make your writing more enjoyable and illustrate points in a more memorable way.

Ideas are essential to a writer and ideas are all around. Observe what is going on, look to newspapers and the media for inspiration. By being aware, by wondering, by asking ‘what if?’ you will find ideas coming more readily.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Having got back from quite a bit of travelling here are the next 3 letters in the A-Z of Writing Success.

Discipline. To write and keep going requires discipline. So many writers have given up on good ideas when they run into problems or enthusiasm wanes. But to realise your potential and see results, you do need to remain disciplined and persevere.

Editing. As a writer you are aiming to sell your work and the better you edit the more favourably it will be viewed. In addition to checking spelling and grammar, look for superfluous words, clichés and sentences which may need tidying up. By editing well, you will be increasing your chances of acceptance.

Facts. In your writing, take care with the facts you use. Readers can be very quick to spot mistakes and if you make one, it will lessen the quality and authenticity of your work. When possible use more than one source and if you have any queries, check. Thanks to the internet it is possible to get information as well as contact experts far more easily.


For those who are interested in my special writing report, Achieve More Acceptances and be Published More Often, a new edition will be made available on Lulu fairly soon. However if you would like a discounted copy, do please email me.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A - Z of Writing Success

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing what I call the A - Z of Writing Success and hope these thoughts will be helpful and inspiring.

Acceptance. This is what so many writers want but getting those acceptances requires determination. And if at the start of your writing career, rather than aim for top magazines or big publishers where competition is greatest, consider more regional publications or smaller publishing houses. In writing it is best to start small, gain experience and then gradually build up your writing career.

Belief. You must believe in yourself and your work. To doubt your abilities or what you write will undermine your work and chances. Remember the praise and constructive comments you may have received and successes enjoyed. As a writer, know you have it within you to write and to write well.

Contacts are important. Make the most of chances to meet other writers and those in the publishing industry. And if an editor or publisher takes your work, aim to build on this and keep in contact.


Do please email if interested in my special report Achieve More Acceptances and Be Published More Often.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Your Subconcious

In this posting I would like to share a tip which has served me particularly well. And it is an unusual one and perhaps not found in many writing manuals.

When you are wanting an idea, whether for a story or article, tell yourself 'I need an idea' and leave this thought to dwell in your subconcious. When it is ready, your subconcious will respond.

Barbara Cartland used this method on many an occasion to help her come up with new plot scenarios and only last Sunday I told myself I needed a new article idea. By Monday morning I had one and an editor has already expressed interest.

Do remember the power of the subconcious. Put in requests. Tell yourself what you want - and you will get answers.

It is really effective.

Try it and I hope you will enjoy some good results.


Monday, February 25, 2008

ACHIEVE MORE ACCEPTANCES - Important Announcement

Thank you to those who have bought and also praised my special report.

I am about to revise and update it and the previous link to is no longer valid. When I have finished revising I will be selling it on

In the meantime if you are interested in obtaining a copy of Achieve More Acceptances at a special discount do please email me at

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Alphasmart Neo - a review for writers

A writer friend I have was given an Alphasmart Neo as a Christmas present. It is a battery operated keyboard and which allows you to type in work, edit, print it out, send or beam it to a computer or Palm device. The word processing programme it uses, Alphaword, also has a great many features including find and replace, a spell checker, thesaurus, word count and copy and paste. In addition it has a calculator function and a typing tutor.
I was so impressed that I decided to buy one and it has already proved its worth.

No longer do I need to sit at or be tied to a computer and with the distraction of the internet and emails that come through. I can instead take the Alphasmart around with me and use it to type and edit my work virtually anywhere. It is very light and portable. Also the screen is clear and does not have the glare of some monitors and which can I am sure lead to eye strain. The Alphasmart has an incredibly long battery life – possibly 800 hours or more - and is very energy efficient.

Another impressive feature is how easy the Alphasmart is to use with the computer. Files can be sent through a USB cable to MS Word or relevant programme or beamed over using IR. I have also used it with my Palm TX and again beaming files was easy and straightforward. From the Palm I send the text as an email attachment and with both the Neo and Palm so portable this has already proved exceptionally helpful.

The Alphasmart model I have is the Neo and this does seem a firm favourite with Alphasmart User groups. There is though another model available in the US called the Dana and which does have internet and email capabilities.

On the one occasion I needed to contact the makers of the Alphasmart, they were most helpful and responsive. The Alphasmart is not only an impressive product but backed by an equally impressive company and with great customer support. The Alphasmart, because of its reliability and simplicity has also been introduced into many schools but for writers it has my highest recommendation. It is convenient, sturdy, portable, energy efficient and I have no doubt will help to increase my productivity and output. For further details visit or

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Writing Output

I have been asked how many words I write a day?

The answer is probably about 2000 although sometimes, when I have a lot of editing to do, it is much less. I try to have 2 main writing sessions - first thing in the morning and this is when I write on Chinese horoscopes - the second is the afternoon when I write or revise articles.

Although it is always interesting to know how much writers write each day, I feel the main thing is not so much the number of words but that you do actually write something. Even if you are only able to write 50 or 100, at least over time your words will mount up.

As a writer, do aim to write something everyday - it will help your output and your craft.

Good luck - and do please email me with any questions.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Writing Advice

In response to the first question I have had, 'What advice would you give a beginner writer?'

In one word - persistence. You have to persist and by persisting, by trying and by venturing, you not only improve your writing and style but also find what works best for you, including the right genre.

Also, do be prepared for rejections. These are inevitable but again, by pitching your work and ideas, you may get valuable feedback, find out more what editors are looking for as well as continually improving your work. And if you follow The Golden Opportunity, as described in Achieve More Acceptances, you could find this opens up some good ways into print.

Good luck, and I look forward to receiving and answering more writing questions in my next posting.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Writing Questions Answered

A Happy New Year and I wish you well and every success with your writing in 2008.

For this month I have decided to change the nature of this blog a little and instead of writing small pieces, will be answering any writing questions you may have. So, if you would welcome some advice or an opinion, do please email. Your question will be given on the blog (but not your name) together with my reply.

Also, I have decided to keep the current offer on Achieve More Acceptances open for January. All purchasers will be entitled to have a piece of writing of upto 1500 words apprasied and with helpful marketing suggestions given if appropriate.

I very much look forward to hearing from you and your writing questions.